Here are some time-lapsed photos, including the most recent (bottom right) I took after a haircut last night (see video), and we're still not at the one-year anniversary of the hair transplant I documented on YouTube.
See the educational video about FUE (follicular unit extraction) called "5 Minute Hair Transplant" that I made with surgeonofnalts to show people how easy and fast the experience was. People still think transplants hurt or will produce baby-doll effects (retro).
@dralanbauman, you da man. I'm going to try to organize a series of photos by date. But you can see some progress based on these pre-surgery and recent photos. The frowns and smiles? Obviously spoofing the tricks often used in goofy pre/post photos. A common trick is changing the lighting, and I hope I have some photos that remove such factors.
The three people who have noticed the improvement the most: My mom, my client, and Joe the Hair Stylist (seen on "Bad Haircut Prank").