Here's a site I inherited while at Merck, and it has some nice myths and facts. Probably my favorite regulatory/legal meeting ever was when an attorney asked for citation on a myth. How do you cite a myth?
Stress can cause hairloss, but it's not the same as male-pattern hairloss. It would typically be in patches in odd places, and that's also caused by other medical issues. Typically hair loss is simply genetics (from mom or dad's side) and treatable... with medication. There are a bunch of causes of hairloss, but if it's slow and progressive, it's usually genetically caused "male pattern hair loss." I haven't been wildly convinced of the efficacy of shampoos or products beyond minoxidil or finasteride. But maybe others have had better experiences with Nioxin or other lotions/potions. Some vouch for laser therapy, and that seems to be one of the few interesting innovations in an otherwise quiet marketplace.
Hats don't cause hairloss. Neither does rubbing the head. The hair follicles just die over time.
Best comment from a guy in our research:
"My mama said to use cayenne pepper on my head. It turned it red." Cayenne pepper might improve some blood flow, but I think mama got the last laugh.
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