The issue is simply that women can't take Propecia (no studies on women, and potential for birth defects). They can't even handle them (even though they're coated). They can't even smell Propecia, or be within 10 miles of the pills (mkay I'm having fun now). I didn't take Propecia when I was having kids, even though no research has shown that finasteride can travel to the women via the sperm. I've heard indirectly that scientists say it would take about 7 gallons of seamen for this to be a risk, but not a risk I wanted to take. Then again- I was probably passing along far more toxic things than finasteride. Like martini olives.
Why can't they identify the blood donoations as "for men only"? I dunno. Then again, I used to have blood-donor cards with multiple listings of my blood type. So I guess the system isn't perfect.
And as a Propecia user, I see this as a benefit. I can guilt-free avoid giving blood, which I despise (see proof in this, one of my least-viewed videos).
So ladies (especially those in child-raring years) are gonna have to stick with the rogaine/minoxidil (there's even a ladies dose of that for reasons I don't quite now). Or you could try some folk remedies. Here's a recent StopAgingNow article on what women can do.
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